Mar 28Liked by Venky Ramachandran

The point is you can never enjoy the true magic of a well made movie when you are conscious of the the script and other elements playing out. While appreciating technicalities provides some fun, it is a different thing altogether

So if you are being led by a good director / religious guru and till the point you don't have an irresistible urge to seek, there is no harm in watching the movie and forgetting the script.

This works best for the mass market. Besides, suspending judgement (script analysis) works best for Bakthi marga (movies)

For those who are interested in script, it is already available and movie just becomes a kind of performance with primary interest on reviewing how well things get played out.

A good novel could induce you to watch the movie based on it or a good movie could generate interest in reading the book. So it doesn't have to be one or either. Depending on inclination and suitability either or both or none can be equally valid choices.

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